Manuscript Submission Guidelines
“Your First Step is to submit your manuscript.”
“And What are our submission requirements?”
The manuscript must be your own personal and original work. Submission of your manuscript preferably by email, or printed on one side in hard copy, with a 12-point font and double-line spacing, with a brief synopsis. We would need to know the word length. A brief covering letter with details about yourself relevant to your work.
Editor will assess your work for reviewing , if he finds it to be reviewed, then he assign your paper to reviewers. They give their comments for their assessment and then will be sent to author with reviewer’s comment.
Once the assessment has been received, the writer has the opportunity to revisit his/her work whilst considering the input offered by the editors. In most cases this leads to re-writing/correcting point of view, a major problem with new authors, and working on structure and character development. If PSR editors give the work a thumbs up, PSR would contact the author and discuss the publishing options depending on what we perceive to be the title’s economic viability.
A good manuscript assessment is extremely worthwhile. An objective opinion is imperative; writers should not ask friends or relatives to offer an opinion but send their manuscripts to a recognized editor. PSR provides this service and will not consider manuscripts from unpublished authors unless the PSR editors carry out the assessment as we have not always been impressed with some of the evaluations offered by other agencies.
PSR provides this service and will not consider manuscripts from unpublished authors unless the PSR editors carry out the assessment as we have not always been impressed with some of the evaluations offered by other agencies.
Submission Checklist
- Title
- List the full names and institutional addresses for all authors
- Abstract – The Abstract should not exceed 350 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations in the abstract. Background Methods Results Conclusions
- Keywords – More than 50% of journal traffic comes directly from Google, Google Scholar, and other search engines. PS does everything possible to ensure that all research content is visible and high ranking in the search results of Google and other engines. To increase the article’s search engine discoverability, please Include keywords in your title (1-2), abstract (2-3), and keyword fields (5-12).
- List of abbreviations – If abbreviations are used in the text they should be defined in the text.
- Background/Introduction – The Background section should explain the background to the study, its aims, a summary of the existing literature and its contribution to the field.
- Methods – The author should include the methods and materials used in the manuscript. The authors should explain the experimental protocols clearly and also should mention the entire process properly.
- Results – This should include the findings of the study.
- Discussion – The author should discuss the suggestions of the findings in the context of existing research and highlight the restrictions of the study.
- Conclusions – This should state clearly the main conclusions and provide an explanation of the importance and relevance of the study reported
- Reference list – References follow the APA style, i.e. numbered sequentially as they occur in the text and ordered numerically in the reference list. All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures must be listed in the reference list. If cited in tables or figure legends, number according to the first identification of the table or figure in the text. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Please see below for examples of reference content requirements.