Poonam Shodh Rachna Journal’s Features
Open Access
With open access, any researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restriction and without paying any fee which accelerates author’s discoveries among all masses worldwide in quick manner.
No copyright form
Poonam Shodh Rachna Journal does not take any copyright of paper from author. It means author is fully authorized person of reusing and selling that published material of paper. We do not take any originality certificate because author have the full responsibility of his paper to be original. If at any stage litigation arises , author has to take the full responsibility of his paper to be original.
Citation Benefits
The main motivation for most authors to publish in an open-access journal is increased visibility and ultimately a citation advantage. Research citations of articles in a hybrid open-access journal have shown that open-access articles are cited more frequently or earlier than non-open-access articles
Peer Review
Fast High-level peer review, production and publishing processes.
Google Scholar
All articles will be uploaded in Google Scholar.
Cross Ref DOI
Selected articles will get permanent link of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) by Cross Ref.
Jurisdiction of the Journal is Allahabad. All litigation will be delt in Allahanad Courts only.
Plagiarism Policies
Plagiarism is the dishonest presentation of the work of others as if it were one’s own.
Writers, speakers, musicians, artists or computer programmers — whether students or professionals — commit plagiarism when they present, without proper acknowledgement, all or part of another person’s work as if it were their own. Because plagiarism violates the expectations of trust and honesty necessary for academic work in an ethical community, it is a serious offense. In addition, plagiarism undercuts the basic purposes of higher education by short-circuiting the processes of inquiry, reflection and communication that lead to learning.
Plagiarism can take several forms, including but not limited to:
Ø Using the exact words of another writer in part of a paper without both citation and quotation marks (or block indentation in the case of longer quotations)
Ø Cutting and pasting material from Internet or other electronic resources without proper citation of sources
Ø Including the paraphrased or summarized idea of another writer without acknowledging its source
Ø Accepting excessive assistance from another person in writing a paper without informing readers of the nature and extent of that collaboration
Ø Submitting for credit a complete paper or portion of a paper written by another person, no matter whether the paper was purchased, shared freely, stolen, found or acquired by other means
Ø Submitting music, drawings, paintings, sculptures or photographs that copy or rely closely on the work of other artists, without explicitly citing the original source
Ø Writing a computer program that is the same or closely similar to existing sources
Ø Accepting credit for a project, multimedia presentation, poster or other assignment that draws dishonestly on the work of others
Duplicate submission is also a violation of academic integrity, because every assignment presumes that new inquiry and effort will produce new learning, and submitting a paper already written for another occasion subverts this learning. Submitting the same original paper for credit in more than one class in the same semester, without the expressed permission of both instructors involved, is not acceptable. Using the same paper or closely similar material from one semester to fulfill a requirement in another semester is normally not allowed without specific permission from the instructor. If students receive the same or similar assignments in different courses, they should consult with the professor about alternate assignments.
Recognizing that students may sometimes commit plagiarism unintentionally because they do not know the conventions of quotation, citation and acknowledgement, professors may deal with cases of plagiarism in different ways.
When in the professor’s judgment the student intends to do honest work but doesn't yet understand the conventions of academic quotation and acknowledgment, the professor may require the student to rewrite the paper, may lower the grade on the paper or may fail the paper.
However, when a case of plagiarism results not from ignorance of conventions but from actions by which the writer deceives the professor about sources of words or ideas, or by which the writer tries to fulfill an assignment without doing all of the necessary work, the ordinary sanction will be failure in the course.
Cases of plagiarism that result in a failing grade for an assignment or for a course must be reported to the Provost in order to prevent any individual from plagiarizing repeatedly and each time professing ignorance. If a student plagiarizes repeatedly, the Provost may apply additional penalties, including dismissal from the college.
Poonam Shodh built up with a reason to unfold knowledge among the scientific community. We as an Open Access publisher are enroute to be the world pioneer in the provision of Open Access. To provide an open access platform that supports scientific examination and sharing of thoughts and speculations between acclaimed scientists and academicians over the world. The stage bolsters all verticals of science and helps to construct a powerful store of knowledge that can be profited for free and on any device.
PS is a center for researchers and scientists who work as an inseparable unit to bring a vastly improved tomorrow for people. We focus on the prerequisites of researchers, students, and the entire world. We will be the leading provider in Open Access Publications with an assortment of renowned scholarly worldwide journals and devoted to serving the scientific and academic groups and in this way the entire society by publishing a prime quality Journals. We are focused on disseminating high-quality research to as wide a crowd of people as possible.
Articles published by PS are openly available to researchers, academicians, students, and scientists promptly after publication. All manuscripts published by us are peer-reviewed by an eminent editorial board and reviewers of respective journal. We look to dependably keep up our benchmarks and morals of publishing and give a quality support of every one of our authors, reviewers, and readers all through the publication process.
Why You choose Us ?
1. Open Access
2. Peer-reviewed
3. Rapid publication process
4. Free promotion service
5. Easily accessible
6. Free indexing service
7. High citations
Poonam Research is a Research & Development service provider, providing all the end to end services such as PhD thesis writing, research article writing with SCOPUS,SCI, Web of Science journal publications, PhD research proposal, end to end phd assistance and patent filing to the PhD scholars, academicians, faculties, students, universities, industrial experts etc. Being the pioneers in this scenario, our technical professional members have the ability to deliver the best for your academic papers in a most proficient manner.
With our team of highly qualified PhD Professors with research excellence, we guide you in all your paper works. Poonam Research has skilled experts and consultants in all domains from research article writing, topic selection, research proposal writing , thesis writing to end to end Phd Assistance. Our efficient team of consultants will give you a high quality research article services, thesis writing services, publications services etc. Poonam Research will provide you a best quality research work with a best world class research guidance. If you are a skilled and gifted researcher with the burning desire to have a significant impact on society through your work but don't know where or how to begin, then our objectives offer a clear path to follow, these objectives have been devised by the Poonam Research Consultancy to serve as a "Blueprint to realize a better and more sustainable future for all mankind". All-Encompassing & Formidable Research Support and Assistance.
For those researchers that do choose to carry out their exploratory and analytical ventures with the intention of fulfilling these Sustainable Development Goals, the Poonam Research Consultancy offers unparalleled assistance, aid, and guidance in doing so.
Right from writing research proposals and selecting germane research topics from one's domain that have been vastly unexplored, to undertaking/carrying out the research and obtaining undiscovered technology that is essential to the achieving of these objectives.
Whether you are an Engineer, Researcher, Scientist, Budding/Amateur Research Scholar, Post-Doctoral Fellow, or otherwise, you can rely on the Poonam Research Consultancy for genuine, reliable and extensive professional supervision and academic support when it comes to carrying out your research project successfully and fulfilling all objectives with ease.
The R & D consultation services that our experts here at the Poonam Research Consultancy are second to none, and have been the backbone behind many of the Scientific, Engineering and Technological innovations of our time. Our consultants comprise of stalwarts across different specializations within Engineering, Science and Technology. With a membership base of professional consultants, you are sure to acquire an expert opinion and strategies on all facets of your research project, irrespective of how nuanced or niche a venture it may be.
Engineering and Technology
•Computer Science and Engineering, •Electrical Engineering, •Civil Engineering, •Infrastructure Engineering, •Electronics & Communication Engineering, •Industrial Engineering, •Mechanical Engineering, •Manufacturing Engineering, •Graphics and Multimedia, •Software Engineering, •Biological Engineering, •Chemical Engineering, •Agricultural engineering.
Social Science and Humanities and Management
•Arts and Humanities, •Business Management, •Management Accounting, •Decision, •Economics, •Econometrics, •Finance, Anthropology, •Communication studies, •Human geography, •History, •Political science, •Public administration, •Psychology, •Sociology, •Geography and Regional Planning, •Hospitality Management and Tourism, •Sociology and Anthropology, •Public Administration and Policy Research, •Social Psychology, •Social Sciences by publishing original research work, short communications and review articles.
Physical Sciences
•Chemical Engineering, •Chemistry, •Computer Science, •Earth and Planetary Science, •Energy, •Mathematics, •Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, •Material Science, •Statistics, •Comparison of chemistry and physics, •Natural and physical sciences, •Earth science, •Biophysics, •Mathematics and Computer Science Research, •Pure and Applied Chemistry, •Geology and Mining Research, •Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, •Internet and Information Systems, •Oceanography and Marine Science,•Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels.
Health Science
•Medicine and Dentistry •Nursing and Health Professions •Pharmaceutical Science •Nutrition and Metabolism •Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology •Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine •Diabetes and Endocrinology •Infectious Diseases and Immunity •Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis •Neuroscience and Behavioral Health •Public Health and Epidemiology •Medical Case Studies •Medical Practice and Reviews.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
•Animal Behaviour •Biodiversity and Conservation •Biological Invasion •Biological Interaction •Climate Change •Carbon Sequestration •Ecosystem •Ecobiology •Environmental Biology •Ecotoxicology •Extreme Environment •Environmental Safety •Environmental Microbiology •Environmental Monitoring •Evolutionary Biology •Evolutionary Genetics •Pollution Studies •Population Biology •Vermitechnology •Waste Management
Plant Biology
•Angiosperm Taxonomy •Adaptation •Allelopathy in Plants •Biosystematics •Ethnobotany •Ethnopharmacology •Traditional Medicinal Plants •Plant Physiology •Plant Stress Biology •New Records of Flora •Plant Tissue Culture •Gene Transfer Studies •Plant Ecology •Economic Botany •Ecophysiology •Plant-microbe interactions •Mycology •Phycology •Lichens • Endemic and Endangered Plants •Embryology and Seed Science •Palaeobotany •Medicinal Botany, etc.
Animal Husbandry, Veterinary and Allied Sciences
•Animal Anatomy •Animal Breeding •Animal Nutrition •Animal Therapy •Veterinary Pathology •Fodder Crops •Veterinary Medicine •Livestock Production •Transgenics •Pet Animals •Vaccination •Aquaculture •Feed Science •Sericulture •Poultry Science.
Agriculture Science
•Agricultural Economics •Agricultural Engineering •Agricultural Extension •Agronomy •Water Resource Management •Agricultural Biotechnology •Agricultural Microbiology •Agricultural Botany •Soil Science •Organic Farming •Sustainable Agricultural Practices •Plant Breeding •Plant and Agricultural Technology •Entomology •Integrated Pest Management •Biological Pest Control •Crop Improvement •Horticulture •Plant Pathology •Weed Management •Forestry and All the Fields of Allied Agricultural Sciences.