Title of the paper   : "Social Media Marketing Impact on Consumer Behaivour”

Authors Mr. Ripu Daman Singh Student (MBA Dual Specialization), Galgotias University
Abstract This study will take into account the overall evaluation hypothesis of '' Virtual entertainment advertising: Effect on consumer behavior. This summarizes the most important element as an introduction to the topic at hand. From a bird's-eye view, it's clear that the emphasis and fundamental ideas that would characterize the survey's overarching trajectory are woven throughout this section. Part 2 of this hypothesis will also highlight the overall evaluation of the writing in progress linked to this survey's overall mark. As a result, the individual hypothetical design will be enhanced by the study's smart component. The final section of this research will identify the evaluation strategy to be employed for this survey. Readers will be able to provide helpful information on methods used to evaluate this survey. Furthermore, survey results will be presented in the final chapter. The discussion of the disclosures will similarly serve to confirm and raise understanding of the different audit findings. Last but not least, the fifth section will reaffirm the proposition's conclusion and, in close proximity, its connected suggestions for future evaluations.
Key words Social Media,  Marketing, Consumer Behaviour
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Singh. (2023). Social Media Marketing Impact on Consumer Behaivour. Poonam Shodh Rachna, 2(4), 14–17. https://poonamshodh.in/public/temp/709/61741e0d658f07b54db56a1c4a4c6ed1.pdf